Instead of the surface being covered the traditional way of pouring concrete, EDCC is sprayed onto the surface of interior concrete walls.

Instead of the surface being covered the traditional way of pouring concrete, EDCC is sprayed onto the surface of interior concrete walls.
The annual global production of concrete comes in at around 10 billion tones which means that approximately 681 billion liters of fresh water is used.
When evaluating your project whether it’s a driveway, a swimming pool, a patio or a retaining wall you need to figure out what would be the best reinforcement to pick.
Another advantage of reinforced concrete is that construction elements or sections can be fabricated offsite and delivered to the construction site to be assembled.
I will try to cover the basics for installation of footings for various structures. Since footings are the basic foundation piece of any building, it is important that they be designed by a licensed professional who will determine the proper size of the footing. The local soil conditions and the size of the building itself will determine the physical size of the footing needed, steel reinforcement needs, if any, and so on.
With the rapid developments of 3D printing and robotics one had to suspect that it was only a matter of time before a house was digitally fabricated. That time is now.
One can’t help but wonder just how long it will be before 3D printed homes will be available he in Canada. If things go the way they seem to, it will only be a matter of time before the process passes inspection.
Why concrete you may be asking? Well it handles traffic better than asphalt and is easier to install than pavers. Besides, it is hard to improve on a material that has been in constant use for 2,000 years or more.
What causes modern concrete structures to prematurely deteriorate you may be wondering? Well the quick answer is water and salt.
Cover is important to assure that the steel bonds to the concrete to develop its solidity and strength.